"在組織化的社會,不僅是21世紀社會最大的特征,也是未來社會運作的主要形態。人類從生到死,與組織皆息息相關。現代組織的基本性能,在于力行地設計并具效率和效能的組織目標。---------杜拉克" |
※歡迎您參加試聽 2/22-23日 組織行為學 課程(點選報名試聽 ) |
祝大家: 春節快樂、闔家幸福、萬事如意!
美國威斯康星協和大學-上海辦事處 全體員工敬賀 |
蘇州辦事處地址 |
教育顧問:胡老師 電話:13405012377 Email:sailing@cncuw.com
教育顧問:薛老師 電話:13405012370 Email:summer@cncuw.com |
美國威斯康星協和大學 CUW MBA重慶班開班 |
于2013年10月19日Concordia University Wisconsin (CUW)美國威斯康星協和大學、 Toko University臺灣稻江大學、重慶臺商協會,三方共同合作, CUW MBA 已于重慶正式開班, 學員20余人,學員均來自國內外企業的中高層管理人,美國威斯康星協和大學MBA校方代表楊飛博士、 蕭靜玫博士及CUW姊妹校-新疆財經大學MBA學院院長馬潔教授等參加了本次開班典禮。
校方代表楊飛博士、蕭靜玫博士代表學校致歡迎辭,代表提到:CUW學校對MBA教育十分重視,并且為此專門設立了亞洲教學中心。美國威斯康星協和大學亞洲MBA班師資力量雄厚,95%以上的教師擁有美國名校博士學位,擁有豐富國際觀,書本:采用國際原文書(中譯本),教學內容與國際接軌,并擁有企業實務經歷,擔任院校專任教授。另外代表指出:美國校方已經為出色完成MBA教育做好了充足準備。大家應當充分利用這個階段,補充理論知識和完善知識體系,聚集人脈資源,突破就業瓶頸。我們將會合理安排教學計劃,為大家營造良好的學習環境,使學員們學習、工作兩不耽誤。 |
重慶班開班留影 |
CUW MBA課程,于國際間非常的受歡迎,CUW擁有美國大學排名,所頒發的MBA碩士學位均國際認可,并擁有美國總統喬治?布什校友(美國白宮鏈結),我們非常期待每位學員能加入我們Concordia的大家庭。 |
美國教育部NCA批準,美國威斯康星協和大學Concordia University Wisconsin(CUW)www.cuw.edu,并購密西根州-協和大學Concordia University, Ann Arbor (CUAA) www.cuaa.edu,美國威斯康星協和大學成為Concordia University私立學校系統中,最頂尖的學校 |
點選官方公告 |
Merger Between CUW and CUAA Approved by the Higher Learning Commission Friday, July 12, 2013 |
After years of hard work, Concordia University Wisconsin (CUW) recently announced that the merger with Concordia University Ann Arbor (CUAA) is now complete. According to Dr. William Cario, Senior Vice President of Academics at CUW, the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association approved CUW's acquisition of CUAA in a July 9 letter to Rev. Dr. Patrick T. Ferry, president of CUW and now CUAA. "We are excited to pursue Concordia's mission in this new way with a new campus and the additional combined resources of two excellent faculties," says Cario. According to President Ferry, CUAA could not obtain needed cash flow and was not in a position to add new progressive programs. CUW did not want to lose a Concordia presence in Michigan, where it has been in existence for 50 years. "We can bring the financial strength and experience of CUW and help change the experience in Ann Arbor," says Ferry. "We think it's going to be a positive, and it's already started out very well," Ferry adds.
Curt Gielow, executive dean of CUW's School of Pharmacy and former Mequon mayor, will be moving to Ann Arbor and has been promoted to Vice President of Administration and Chief Campus Officer at CUAA. Gielow will ultimately be in charge of assessing and developing the campus and its programs. "We want to grow student enrollment, we want to improve our retention of students, we want to create new programs, and we want to build new facilities," says Gielow. "We want to invest in a future that assures Ann Arbor's continued success," Gielow adds. On July 1, the start of the new fiscal year, CUW and CUAA began operating as one entity, although each institution will retain its distinct name and distinct identity. In fact, CUAA is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year with a community and campus wide event September 27-29. The Ann Arbor campus has approximately 600 students and 34 faculty members on a 187-acre campus. There are currently three schools at CUAA: Arts and Sciences; Education; and Business. Founded in 1881, Concordia University Wisconsin's main campus is located on 200 acres of beautiful Lake Michigan shoreline at 12800 N. Lake Shore Drive, Mequon. The university and its 10 educational centers and classroom locations are home to 7,618 undergraduate and graduate, traditional, as well as non-traditional students from 46 states and 28 foreign countries. The University offers 60 undergraduate majors, 14 master's degree programs, and doctoral degrees in Physical Therapy, Pharmacy, and Nursing Practice. The University also offers a variety of adult learning opportunities. The university is affiliated with The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and is a member of the Concordia University System, a nationwide network of colleges and universities. For more information on Concordia University Wisconsin, contact the university at (262) 243-4300 or visit their Web site at www.cuw.edu. |
美國密歇根協和大學是一所私立文科大學,始建于1963年。美國密歇根協和大學開設了一下學院,自由藝術與科學學院,教育學院,工商管理學院,成人及繼續教育學院。美國密歇根協和大學提供了一下專業課程,藝術,圣經語言,生物學,工商管理,化學,刑事司法,早期兒童教育,英語,家庭生活(社會服務) ,家庭生活(教會工作) ,希臘語,歷史,綜合科學,語言藝術,數學,音樂,哲學,體育教育,物理科學,物理,醫學,牙醫學,心理學,宗教學,社會科學,社會學,語言-通訊,視覺藝術教育等。美國密歇根協和大學向學生提供傳統優質的文科教育,同時使學生獲得通向成功的經驗和技能。美國密歇根協和大學被稱為美國最美麗的大學之一,并且被美國《新聞與出版》雜志評為美國大學五十強。 |
美國密歇根協和大學-Concordia University (Ann Arbor) 中華人民共和國教育部教育涉外監管信息網認可(點選官方公告)
美國密歇根協和大學-Concordia University (Ann Arbor)美國最佳大學排名 中西部-40名
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編輯群:楊 哲 Leslie 陶乾龍 Tommy
視覺設計:楊 哲 Leslie |